Agriculture Infrastructure Funds – for Grazing Permittees. Applications. Contact Person: Chapter Grazing Official: Mr. Leonard Sloan
2021 BG Chapter – Community Needs Assessment Survey –

The breathtaking landscape of Bodaway-Gap Chapter near the Grand Canyon on the Navajo Nation reflects the resilient spirit of the residents of this severely marginalized community. The incredible beauty of this landscape sits in sharp contrast to the deplorable conditions created for residents through a political and bureaucratic nightmare known as the Bennett Freeze. In 1966, a ban on all development was instituted by Robert Bennett, Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
The Bodaway Gap Chapter is geographically the largest Chapter on the Navajo Nation. Eighty percent of it lies within the former Bennett Freeze with the Bodaway Gap Community being the most impacted.
Bodaway Gap residents have carved out their own opportunities through ingenuity, hard work and perseverance. The Native people of Bodaway Gap have relied on tradition and culture to keep them going especially during difficult circumstances. Many families still farm, graze sheep and cattle on long standing grazing leases. Entrepreneurs and craftsmen have come together in a well-established organization known as Antelope Trails Vendors Organization (ATVO), to sell jewelry and other handcrafted art.
In 2009, fortunately the ban on all development was lifted with tenacious character, the people of Bodaway-Gap have made tremendous strides to address critical needs. The community continues to respect and acknowledge all past, present and future leaders known as Chapter Officials, Council Delegate(s) and Farm Board Members
Bodaway-Gap Chapter has been recognized for superior telecommunication infrastructure, water and sewer infrastructure and the ability to move projects.
Despite all the challenges during the past years, the Bodaway-Gap Chapter continues to grow with commitment and support from Bodaway, Gap, Hidden Spring, Cedar Ridge, Navajo Spring and Bitterspring residents.